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A gesture here, changes things there

15 % of the world's population lives with a disability. People with disabilities are often excluded from their communities and forgotten during humanitarian crises. Handicap International (HI)'s mission is to help vulnerable populations in order to promote their inclusion and give everyone a chance to Live Upright Again.

The donations entrusted to us are distributed across our missions according to their priority needs. For every CHF 100 spent, CHF 85 are allocated to the social mission.

Give with confidence

Handicap International is a public utility organization.

Mastercard, Visa, PostFinance, PayPal, Twint, Facture QR

Handicap International Suisse
Avenue de la Paix 11
1202 Genève - Suisse

Trade register number IDE CHE-109.984.143.

Postal account
CP : 12-522-4
IBAN : CH66 0900 0000 1200 0522 4

A question?
Donor relations service
Tel: +41 22 788 70 33


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Your donations to Handicap International entitle you to tax reductions.
Label IDEAS : L'exigence en action 
A guarantee of seriousness and trust for donors and funders, it attests to the quality of our governance, our financial management and the monitoring of the effectiveness of our actions.